BKK customer service centers

All the shops are fully accessible for the disabled and also have facilities to help the visually and hearing impaired. The rooms were designed and constructed with a modern and unified design, similarly to the customer centers built earlier.
The stores, despite being implemented in a wide range of locations – in underpasses, in a separate new building, in a small row of pavilions – are completely equivalent and uniform in terms of their image and services provided.
The designers were different, but the technical inspector was the same in all cases.
3E International Kft provided Technical Supervision services at the following BKK (Centre for Budapest Transport) locations:
- Budapest Déli railway station (2015)
- Népliget (2016)
- Óbuda, Szentlélek place (2017)
- Rákosmente (2019)
- Csepel (2019)
In the customer centers, as in other similar BKK facilities, the full range of services has been made available to customers.