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Our Group in a nutshell

The 3E Group is a Hungarian-owned engineering services group, established in Hungary, with the following members:
  • 3E International Kft. is the Group’s flagship company, providing developers project management, technical inspection, cost management and a range of other engineering services (e.g. technical due diligence, design review) for construction projects.
  • 3E Construction Management Kft. coordinates the construction process in the capacity of a construction manager – which is more in-depth than that of the project manager – in cases where there is no general contractor and the developer contracts directly with the trades.
  • 3E Development Kft. facilitates the implementation of major projects as a competent real-estate development partner.
  • 3E BIM Kft. provides developers, designers, contractors and property managers with services related to the creation of building information models and to management based on such.
3e International Misszió


3E Group supports its clients, both investors and developers, throughout the whole project from the first idea all the way to the completion. We aim to represent and promote an international, quality culture in Hungary’s construction sector. Therefore, any project that we are entrusted with will be completed to the highest standards, with precision, in a reliable manner.


Our ethical business behaviour fully supports our mission, please see our Code of Ethics here

Cégtörténet - 3e International

Company history

3E Group’s flagship company 3E International Kft. was founded in 2005 as a result of restructuring and concentrating various activities previously performed under different companies. The founders combined their experience in real estate consulting and construction project management, to create the variety of services we offer to our Partners today. We deliver projects “from cradle to fruition”, while strictly representing our Partners – the investors and developers – in the process.


We generally provide complex project management through budget expertise and technical supervision services; we are also at our clients’ disposal with real estate consulting, technical condition surveys and other engineering services. We are a leading engineering consultancy in Hungary for international clients.


Our firm, 3E International possesses broad technical expertise in the CEE Region and extensive knowledge of the local sector and local peculiarities. We are proud of our multicultural experience managing international and cross-cultural projects. Click here to view the full range of our services.



Our company has two main business areas: project management and real estate consulting. Through our real estate consulting services, we have the ability to get involved in projects as early as the ‘idea stage’ and support our Partners in developing the project. In the next stage our skilled technical, cost control and legal consulting service teams ensure the timely and cost effective completion of the project. Such complex and comprehensive tasks can be realized, if the Developer has the permanent and intensive supports from the professional PM Team.


Our respected Clients are mainly international corporations that require us to provide excellent services that meet the highest international standards. We provide added value through our committed and focused approach, our technical, financial cost control, and legal consultancy as.


Currently we have a team of 80 people including highly experienced architects, engineers, mechanical engineers and registered inspectors of various fields. Most of our professionals work confidently in several languages. Our colleagues all possess a masters’ degree and regularly take part in training courses, not only to ensure continuous professional development but also to be able to meet the highest standards and to obtain the necessary qualifications, chamber memberships and certificates.


Tailor made consultancy


We are well aware of the international investors’ and property development companies’ standard headache of facing the very specific and constantly changing legal environment and also the unique practice of market players in the Hungarian construction industry. “Thinking globally and acting locally” is not a mere phrase for 3E International but a fundamental element of our daily activity. The demands of meeting the highest international standards and complying with the worldwide requirements of an investment company are incorporated to our internal processes. At the same time we are ready to add the Hungarian flavour by customizing those large scale projects to specific local requirements and by providing guidance on how to avoid all the possible traps and risks which could easily lead to the delay or failure of a development.

Our complex technical, cost control and procedural law due diligence services were developed specifically for preparing feasibility study, risk analysis and setting up combined permitting and implementation strategy and timeline for projects of key importance. Moreover we don’t stop at giving theoretical advice but undertake the overall management of the very practical design, permitting, construction administration and technical–financial supervision tasks as well.

Integration of our expert teams to the client’s organization is a justified method of giving the highest chance to the timely and quality delivery of a project. Our domestic and International clients can also benefit from the support of our experienced legal team specialized in property development and construction law, just as from our exceptionally good understanding of the public administration system.



Laczkovich Gergely

Gergely Laczkovich

Managing Director

Korintus Balázs

Balázs Korintus

Managing Director

Péter Bajusz

Chief Financial Officer

Virág Biró

Technical Director

Bóna Péter

Péter Bóna

Technical Director

Csallóné Reigl Beatrix

Beatrix Csallóné Reigl

Business Development and Communication Director

Miklós Prokop

Deputy Technical Director

Gusztáv Walton

International Relations Director

Some of our team members

Ács Imre

Imre Ács

Ambrus Adrienn

Adrienn Ambrus

Anita Badovszky

Brigitta Balogh

Szabina Baros

Gergő Báthori

Tamás Rózsavölgyi

Gábor Borszuk

Éliás Róbert

Róbert Éliás

Viktor Farkas

Judit Fehér

Nikoletta Fehér

Felhős Koppány

Koppány Felhős

Barbara Földes

Gut Zoltán

Zoltán Gut

Ildikó Gyarmati

Hajdú Zoltán

Zoltán Hajdú

Tibor Hajdu

Hajdu-Szűcs Ildikó

Ildikó Hajdu-Szűcs

Anita Halász-Zborai

Határik Zoltán

Zoltán Határik

Horváth Attila

Attila Horváth

Jenei Attila

Attila Jenei

Kalocsai Csaba

Csaba Kalocsai

Kéri Zsuzsanna

Zsuzsanna Kéri

Anikó Kiss

Csaba Kiss

Kis László

László Kis


Norbert Kiss

Róbert Körtvélyi

Annamária Kovács

Kraus Olivér

Olivér Kraus

Béla László

Lóka Attila

Attila Lóka

József Martin

Tibor Mészáros

Molnár Anna

Anna Molnár

Viktor Molnár

Dániel Nagy

Nemcsik Attila

Attila Nemcsik

László Nyüsti

Orosz László

László Orosz

Rita Olajos-Kiss

Tamás Papp

Tamás Prileszky

Zoltán Ring

Mónika Szabó

Szakács István

István Szakács

Norbert Sziklai

Takács Ákos

Ákos Takács

Nóra Váradi

Judit Berki-Vincze