Duna Spirit

The whole development area stretched over more than 320 000 m2, of which 220 000 m2 gross was planned to be developed. The plan was to combine the construction of residential buildings with creating jobs and developing recreational and commercial service facilities.
Prior to starting the recultivation of the site, formerly a communal landfill situated in the flood plain of the Danube, flood protection had to be ensured for the area. This involved moving the primary defence of the Danube as well as a stream that was flowing across the site (Diós árok), which was diverted into an artificial river bed. The project also covered the construction of flood control structures to divert the stream into the new bed, across the primary embankment.
The area now serves as a flourishing river bank community space, serving residential, retail and service provider functions. The variety of functions, the proportion of the built-up area as well as the benefits provided by the inner parks and by the proximity of the Danube all place this development in a higher middle class category on the Budapest property market, both from a quality and from a value point of view.