The execution of the Opera has begun

Opera Műhelyház

Along the technical control of 3E International Kft., the renovation of the biggest floor space industrial monument in Hungary and the execution of the Eifel Art Studios of the Hungarian State Opera has begun.

As a result of the almost 20 billion Forint investment, the old Northern Vehicle Repair hall of the Hungarian State Railways on the Kőbányai street will operate as the art and logistic center of the Opera, where professional background work will primarly take place. Furthermore, a relic saloon will be deticated to Feketeházy János, the architect of the building, who has designed the roofing, as well. In the course of the investment, a rehearsal stage equal to the stage of the opera-house will be materialised. The nine producer studio of the opera and a yard suitable for the storage of settings and makings as well as of 400 000 costumes will move here.